Driving Directions for field trips
Important Information for Field Trip Participants
For General Programming (not including Summer Camp)- A full refund will be issued to any participant who cancels a minimum of 48 hours in advance, and to all participants in the event the program is cancelled by PVNC. Please make every effort to attend events you have registered for. If you cannot attend, please contact the Nature Center so we can allow someone else to take your place.
Our outdoor activities and classroom visits can be adapted to fit any grade level or relevant subject matter.
(1 or 2 adults per group of 10 students)
Not a classroom teacher? We provide educational opportunities for you, too! Check out our programs below or call the Nature Center for more information.
The nature center store has something for everyone! All proceeds support our Environmental Education Programs.
170 N Chapman Rd
Doylestown PA 18901
(215) 348-6270