
Become a Member of Peace Valley Nature Center

Membership and donations for the Friends of PVNC provide funds for our environmental education program mission. We are fortunate to have a community that provides financial and volunteer support and  look forward to your continued participation. Please take a moment to find a program or presentation that you would like to attend. Tell a friend and bring them along...

 Membership Structure

 All levels of membership include the following activities and discounts:

  • 10% discount at the Sunflower Shop (not applied to bird seed)
  • Discounted rate on birthday parties
  • Special members only pricing on other programs throughout the year
  • All dues and contributions are tax deductible* as the Friends of Peace Valley Nature Center is a 501(c)(3) organization

Individual Membership $30, Senior (62+) $25, Student $25, Senior Couple $30


Family Membership $50 (includes 2 adults and all children under the age of 18)

  • Access to Summer Camp Registrations

Contributor $75

  • FREE Peace Valley Nature Center branded merchandise

Partner $100

  • Contributor benefits plus FREE plant at annual wildflower sale – up to $10 value
  • Early-bird notice to register for our most popular events!

Conservationist $250

  • Partner benefits plus FREE 20lb bag of Melody Mix.

Environmental Steward $500

  • Conservationist benefits plus FREE Private 45 minute Naturalist-led walk for up to 10 people
  • 1 complimentary ticket to Fall Harvest Sampler

* Non-deductible benefit amounts: Plant $10, Melody Mix $20, Fall Harvest Sampler Ticket $100


Membership has its privileges!  Your membership includes our monthly newsletter Dove Tales, a 10% discount at the Sunflower Shop, and program discounts. Plus, all dues and contributions are tax deductible as the Friends of Peace Valley Nature Center is a 501(c)(3) organization.

New Member

Attention Members

Will You Increase Your Level of Support?  PVNC depends on membership, donations, program income and the Sunflower Shop to fund our programs and services. All membership renewals are due month to date. So if you sign up March 1, your renewal is due March 31 of the following year.
Member Renewal

Or Print & Mail

If you prefer, you can download, print and mail your application and payment to:

Peace Valley Nature Center

170 North Chapman Road

Doylestown, PA 18901

Print Application



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Educators & Staff


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