The logo for the peace valley nature center

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Our Address

Peace Valley Nature Center
170 North Chapman Road
Doylestown, PA  18901
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Trail Map

Download the Peace Valley Nature Center Trail Map.

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A black and white map of a park with a lake galena in the middle.

Birding at Peace Valley Park

Peace Valley Park is an Important Bird Area (IBA) as designated by the Pennsylvania Audubon Society. The nature center area includes two bird blinds and fifteen miles of trails providing observation opportunities at feeders, the lake, ponds, streams, meadows, and woods. The 6.1 mile paved Hike & Bike Trail around Lake Galena provides additional opportunities. These diverse habitats have resulted in 293 confirmed bird species plus one identified only to genus in the park and also include 58 species now considered accidental. Get the Birds of Peace Valley Park Brochure & Checklist, available at the Nature Center or through the link below.

Birds of Peace Valley
A blue heron is standing in the water near a tree.

Birding Backpacks

Available for borrowing at the Nature Center. Includes field guide, binoculars, and more.

Visit the Sunflower Shop

The Peace Valley Nature Center has a store that offers something for everyone! All proceeds support our mission.

  • Birdseed
  • Bird Feeders
  • Bird Houses
  • Jewelry
  • Note Cards
  • Field Guides
  • Toys
  • Books
  • Peace Valley Nature Center Logo Items & much more!

We accept Visa & Mastercard.


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