New Developments: It’s Happening!

Plans, surveys and approvals for a larger and improved parking area and construction of an Educational Pavilion began in 2018. The process has been very slow and due to ecological concerns, a potential conflict arose. The Pennsylvania Natural Diversity Inventory (PNDI) revealed the possible presence of threatened or endangered species in the scope of this project. Surveys were conducted for the Eastern Redbelly Turtle (Pseudemys rubiventris) by Marlin Corn of Ecological Associates, LLC. It was determined the projects had no impact on their nesting behavior or area. A botanical survey was conducted by Andrea Finn, Lotus Environmental Consulting, LLC. A species of concern, Grass-leaved Rush (Juncus biflorus), has been documented in Peace Valley Park. The presence of Shortbeak Sedge (Carex brevior) was also assessed. Neither plant was identified in the project area.

Zoning permits were issued in July 2020. In September 2020, the construction of the overflow parking area began. Encompassing almost one acre of the field between Evergreen Trail and Habitat Trail, this project will greatly increase the parking capacity. This pervious surface parking area is constructed with a grid of pavers that will decrease the amount storm water runoff, improve sediment and erosion control as well as increase groundwater retention. The site preparation included removal of 8 inches of soil to make way for the 8 inch bed of stone. The pavers were added and filled with soil topped off with an additional 4 inches of soil. The area was seeded with annual rye to immediately hold the soil as well as a native wildflower mix that shall soon present a wonderful spectacle of colors and blooms. 

The parking area can now adequately accommodate events, offer weekend and holiday parking for all that wish to enjoy Peace Valley Nature Center. The entrance to the parking area is in the northeast corner of the existing parking lot. This additional parking area shall be open for use in the spring of 2021, allowing time for the soil to settle and the plants to emerge. 

new developments

New Britain Township granted approval for the construction of a thirty-nine foot octagon educational pavilion overlooking the Lake. The addition of the handicap accessible pavilion shall be an enhancement for our programming. A culvert was established to make way for the erection equipment to access the site. This shall remain to ensure future access to the pavilion and surrounding areas. To offset the impervious area of the pavilion a new larger rain garden is located in front of the nature center building complete with native plants.

The entire project was financed by the nonprofit Friends of Peace Valley Nature Center. Donations toward this project have been made to the Friends. A grant was received from the Bucks County Conservation District that was applied toward professional services for the pervious surface parking area.

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